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Инструменты математики и геометрии


SWAN-ON-CHIP / 2022-2025

Low power spintronics wireless automotive node (swan) integrated circuits developed via spintronics technology accelerator platform


Horizon Europe (EU)


In SWAN-on-chip, world leaders in spintronics device modelling, material deposition, nanofabrication and electrical characterisation have been brought together with electrical engineers with previous experience with the challenges designing integrated circuits for this emerging technology. Together, the SWAN-on-chip consortium have the wide-ranging skills, expertise and infrastructure necessary to create beyond state-of-the-art high performance spintronics devices, as well as co-integrating them with CMOS to create state-of-the-art system level spin chips.

In addition to developing the SWAN-on-chip concept, the secondary goal of the SWAN-on-chip project is to create the infrastructure for a ‘spintronics technology accelerator’. One of the main challenges faced by the spintronics community is the ‘device to system’ bottleneck, where exciting results developed at a device level are never realised at a systems level, a vital step necessary for a full benchmarking to be performed. This subsequent ‘TRL ceiling’ is a transversal problem faced by many different spintronic technologies. By integrating spintronics devices with tailored CMOS circuitry, system level spin-chips can be fabricated allowing spintronics solutions to achieve critical momentum and industrial engagement. 



  • International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (Portugal)

  • Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)

  • Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany)

  • University of Messina (Italy)

  • Commissariat a l’energie atomique et aux energies alternatives (France)

  • Aarhus University (Denmark)

  • Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (France)

  • Thales Research & Technology (France)

MASTER / 2008-2011

Microwave amplification by spin transfer emission radiation


Seventh Framework Programme FP7


The aim of the project is to explore the application potential of novel Spin-Transfer Oscillators (STO) as tunable and ultra-narrow band microwave radiation source for mobile and wireless telecommunication technology. The main technological interest of STO devices, which correspond to nano-structured magnetic multilayer pumped by a spin-polarized electrical current and emitting microwave radiation, is their compatibility with monolithic integration. Project specifically addresses the bottleneck issue of power conversion efficiency between dc current pumping and microwave emission of radiation. One of main objectives of the project is to engineer large arrays of coherently coupled oscillators. It is also explored to take advantage of the phase-locking mechanisms between coupled oscillators to increase significantly the device performance.



Commissariat à lEnergie Atomique (France)

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)

University of Munster (Germany)

University of Exeter (UK)

Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)

University of Oakland (USA)

THOR / 2012-2015

Torino-Piemonte. System and technolgies for enabling the electric mobility


Finpiemonte (Italy)


Is an applied research projects included in the automotive platform of the Piedmont Region and is dedicated to the development of a small electric motor vehicle. The systems for the cars of the future are the result of complementary technologies, the integration of which requires a specific effort (not enough improvements that companies have to make in any case, but new solutions). The project involved the development of systems to enable electric mobility such as: Integrated Powertrain: motor – power electronics – gear – differential – fuel system control delivery; Battery management systems; Two-way systems on board the vehicle for exchanging energy with the grid; 

Management systems for photovoltaic panels on board the vehicle with integrated electronics; Development of handling systems (integrated into the powertrain) specific for electric vehicles; Implementation of innovative products in the types of vehicles produced in the Region; Commissioning a small fleet of EV applications with a high level of visibility; Development of ICT for remote management of vehicles and fleets (car / bike sharing, car pooling, …)



Bitron Spa (Italy)

Polimodel Srl (Italy)

MW Italia Spa (Italy)

ST-POLITO Scarl (Italy)

Evironment park (Italy)

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Brain Technologies (Italy)

Solbian Energy Alternative Srl (Italy)

ALCOR (Italy)

ITC (Italy)

SAET Srl (Italy)

EM-SAFETY / 2011-2014

EM safety by sensors developments and hazards mitigation by proper EV design


Seventh Framework Programme FP7 (EU)


There is widespread public concern regarding the possible adverse effects of electromagnetic fields. Thus, there is a need to avoid the spread of panic or unjustified fears that would delay the enormous and crucial economic and environmental benefits that the Fully Electric Vehicle (FEV) can provide when deployed on a large scale. In this context the EM-SAFETY project addresses the following objectives: Detailed survey of magnetic field (MF) in FEV systems under different operating conditions; Analysis of representative characteristics; Assessment on the overall systems of FEV; Development of electrical leakage and MF sensors; Development of real-time monitoring systems for EMF in FEV interiors; Development of low emission cabling and low leakage connectors; Start a path of continuous understanding by measurements and studies of the effects induced by magnetic fields found in the FEV environment; Identification of sources of potentially hazardous peculiarities; Findings linking environmental magnetic fields and health.



Sintef (Norway)

STMicroeletronics (Italy)

Prysmian Limited (Italy)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)

Mira Limited (UK)

University of Turin and San Giovanni Battista Hospital (Italy)

Commissariat a l’energie atomique - LETI (France)

University of Braunschweig (Germany)

TAMAG Iberica S.L. (Spain)

PROTEINN / 2007-2008

Surface plasmon resonance integrated optical sensors for automotive applications


Consorzio COREP (Italy)


The project is aimed to develop methods, algorithms, and the software for solving the problem of diffraction of light by multilayer periodic diffraction structures containing dielectric layers with encapsulated metallic NPs in the rigorous electromagnetic theory. The methods and the software are used for designing and studying the resonance properties of multilayer diffraction coatings incorporating homogeneous layers and layers with encapsulated NPs made up of high-conductivity materials. By the resonance properties is meant an abnormal (abrupt) change of the reflection, transmission, or absorption coefficients in response to changing physical or geometrical parameters of the structure. The diffraction structures made up of such high-conductivity materials show the effect of SPR consisting in the excitation of surface electromagnetic waves. The study involves determining the "sensitivity" of the reflection or transmission resonance to a change in the geometrical parameters of the structure and the physical parameters of the environment.



Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

UVTECH / 2004-2008

UV assisted Technologies for Multifunctional Materials Production


Sixth Framework Programme FP6 


Recent developments in the design, synthesis and fabrication of nanotechnology-based materials have the potential to revolutionise several emerging technology markets in sectors ranging from automotives to nanoelectronics. UVTech addresses the urgent need to develop radically innovative processing techniques that enable the sustainable and competitive manufacture of new high knowledge content nanocrystal-based smart materials that will be the drivers for new generations of products. The central project focus is design, synthesis and processing of precursors and nanocrystal-based materials to enable robust photoprocessing-enabled co-deposition of embedded nanoparticles in a host matrix using a new UV Injection Liquid Source CVD system whereby nanocrystals and host matrix may be co-deposited at low temperatures in a single step. Novel methods for co-deposition of ligand-stabilized size-selected semiconductor or metal nanocrystals with host materials are developed and applied to formation of functional nanocomposite layers.



National microelectronics research centre - University college of Cork (Ireland)

University College London (UK)

Commissariat a l’energie atomique - LETI (France)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

Epichem Ltd (UK)

AVANGARD / 2019-2022

Advanced manufacturing solutions tightly aligned with business needs


Horizon 2020 (EU)

Project addresses the integration of novel processing units into an existing Microfactory test bed conceived to produce urban electric vehicles. Istituto PM Srl team performed numerical modeling of novel highly precise 3D printing based on cold spray technology. Superfast 3D metallic printing by implementing a supersonic deposition technique required expertise in several disciplines like gas-dynamic, nanoceramic for the manufacturing of high resistance nozzles nozzle, system integration and robotics, preparation and use of metallic nanoparticles taking into account strict safety procedures.



  • PRIMA Industrie (Italy)

  • Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles (Italy)

  • CLN-GROUP MA (Arcelor Mittal Italy) (Italy)

  • UNINOVA (Portugal)

  • INTROSYS (Portugal)

  • University of Patras (Greece)

  • Technological Educational Institute of Crete (Greece)

  • Gizelis Robotics SA (Greece)

  • Ideas Forward P.C. (Greece)

  • Rodstein LTD (Finland)

  • University of Vaasa (Finland)

  • University of Torino Dept of Management (Italy)

  • Torino e-District (Italy)

  • Morphica (Italy)

  • STmicroelectronic (Grenoble2) SAS (France)

  • STmicroelectronic (Rousset) SAS (France)

  • CIDAUT (Spain)

  • POLEVS (Poland)

  • thinkstep (Germany)

  • Belgian Welding Institute (Belgium)

  • University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (Switzerland)

  • Massiv IT (Israel)

SOCGRAGH / 2015-2019

Tailoring Spin-Orbit effects in graphene for spin-orbitronic applications


Graphene Flagship - Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (Italy)


The project addresses the design, process, image, and test of novel active graphene-based spinptronic systems, referred as SOCgraph systems, in order to benefit from the outstanding properties of graphene, as high electronic mobility, large spin lifetimes and long spin diffusion length, and potentially large (and tuneable) spin orbit coupling. In view of practical applications, SOCgraph will open the way for the development of the next generation of low-power, faster and smaller spin-orbitronic devices in 21st century. SOGraph project deals with the development of novel functional spintronic systems based on adding novelfunctionalities to graphene exploiting the giant SOC in graphene by intercalation of Pb.


Fundación IMDEA Nanociencia (Spain)

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)


HI-WI / 2011-2015

Materials and Drives for High & Wide Efficiency Electric Powertrains


Seventh Framework Programme FP7 (EU)


Motors for Fully Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Electric Vehicle applications develop their highest efficiency of around 93~95% within a speed range of typically 1/4 to 1/3 of the maximum rotating speed, and at an ideal torque, whereas in real usage - in the majority of driving cycles - the motor operates at a wider range of speeds and at partial load (low torque) resulting in much lower efficiency. HI-WI addresses the mismatch between the region of high efficiency and the wide region of frequent operation with advances in the design and manufacture of motors through: Holistic design across the combination of magnetic, thermal, mechanical and control electronics with optimisation in line with real-life use rather than a single-point “rating”; The use of variable flux approaches in which the flux of the motor can be adjusted in real-time according to the load condition to maximise efficiency. In addition to the above efficiency gains, HI-WI couples its novel design approach to breakthroughs in materials and manufacturing, winning size, weight, and cost savings.



University of Cambridge (UK)

University of Sheffield (UK)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

STMicroelectronics SRL (Italy)

CEDRAT SA (France)

Siemens AG (Germany)

MOTORBRAIN / 2011-2014

Nanoelectronics for electric vehicle intelligent failsafe powertrain


ENIAC Joint Undertaking


The overall objective is to develop sustainable drive train technologies and control concepts/platforms for inherently safe electric vehicle powertrains. The project focuses on significant steps ahead in terms of: Overall energy efficiency of EV powertrains is improved by 20%; Development of novel, intrinsically failsafe electrical powertrain concepts and passive components comprising high efficiency torque-dense motors fully integrated with power converters and storage systems for modularity, compactness, reliability and low cost with improved recyclability and less dependency on rare-earth magnets; Innovative EV architectures, and sensing and microcontroller concepts/platforms capable of achieving intrinsic fail-safe behaviour of the powertrain and energy management in order to enhance the overall reliability and safety of EVs. The project addresses the challenging research on power and high voltage electronic systems as well as smart miniaturized systems up to the subsystems, systems and vehicle demonstrators, encompassing the full supply chain of electric drives for EVs.



Infineon AG (Germany)


E3/DC GmbH (Germany)

OFFIS e.V. (Germany)

University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden (Germany)

Technical University Dresden 

Robert Seuffer GmbH & o. KG (Germany)

Infineon Austria (Austria)

Österreichisches Forschungs- und Prüfzentrum Arsenal GmbH (Austria)

FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria)

MAGNA E-Car Systems GmbH&Co OG (Austria)

MAGNA Electronics (Austria) GmbH (Austria)

MAGNA STEYR Fahr- zeugtechnik AG & Co KG (Austria)

Vysoke uceni technicke v Brne (Czech Republic)

Institut mikroelektronickych aplikaci s.r.o. (Czech Republic)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

STMicroelectronics srl (Italy)

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Arcotronics (Italy)

ROBOX (Italy)

Infineon Romania (Romania)

IMT Bucharest (Romania)

Greenpower (Spain)

Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

HÖGANÄS AB (Publ) (Sweden)

QinetiQ Ltd (UK)

The University of Sheffield (UK)

Protean Electric Ltd (UK)

NXP Semiconductors (Netherlands)

AllGreen Vehicles (Netherlands)

FCRTNANO / 2006-2007

Nanotechnologies for the electromechanical, information and medical industries


Fondazione CRT (Italy)


The objective of the project FCRTnano is to develop the fundamental and technological research in the field of magnetic, anisotropy ferroelectrical nanostructured nanomaterials for information technologies, diagnostic systems, for treatment and drug delivery based on nanobiology and supercomputing by GRID technology. In the perspective of industrial applications in the medium and long term references are considered innovative materials such as liquid-crystal displays for the manufacture of a 3 dimensional high-speed image reconstruction, a composite material for the construction of a magnetic actuator and a bio-sensor for medical diagnosis. The idea of project is to explore the development of new materials and their physical chemical biological processes at the frontier of current knowledge and enable the design of newly designed products.



Università di Torino, Dipartimento di fisica generale (Italy)

INFN – Sezione di Torino (Italy)

Università di Torino, Dipartimento medicina interna (Italy)

Centro Studi Medicina Sperimentale (Italy)

Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Battista di Torino (Italy)

Università del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)

Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Centro di Cultura per l’Ingegneria delle materie Plastiche (Italy)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

NANOFIRE / 2004-2007

NANOFIRE / 2004-2007


Environmentally friendly multifunctional fire retardant polymer hybrids and nanocomposites


Sixth Framework Programme FP6 


Flammability is a major limiting factor for the expansion of polymer materials. The potential contribution of polymer materials to development of technologies with reduced environmental impact, may thus be missed. Fire retardant approaches developed in the past can no longer be used owing to undesirable side effects during fire retardance action and hindrance to end of life recycling technologies. New classes of nanocomposite materials and inorganic -organic hybrids can be rendered inherently fire retardant if their decomposition behavior is catalytically directed towards ceramisation and charring with creation of a surface protection to the polymer material. Particularly interesting in this approach are POSS, carbon nanotubes, and needle -like silicates with which the project deals. The success in implementing the ceramisation-charring mechanism, requires a combination of expertise encompassing deep knowledge in polymer chemistry and engineering, polymer thermal degradation and combustion, inorganic and physical chemistry and catalysis that could assist in performing a great breakthrough in an area that is of vital importance to our technological development.



Centro di cultura per l’ingegneria delle materie plastiche (Italy)

Università di Perugia (Italy)

University of London (UK) 

Università del Piemonte Orientale (Italy)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) 

Nanocyl S.A. (Belgium)

Materia Nova (Belgium)

Leistritz (Germany)

Tolsa (Spain)

Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy)

RATI Car Accessories Ltd. (Hungary)

Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (France)

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